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Vinícius Souza

I am an undergraduate student at Unicarioca, where I pursue a degree in Computer Engineering, and an undergraduate researcher at UFRJ. I focus on study the area of accessibility and community smartness tools. I participated in some Hackathons (the good ones that inspire) around Rio. It was enough to catch up my attention and making me want to work with an increasingly inclusive computing.

My story with LabiS began through Fernando Severo who showed me how transformative computing can be when done with love. Between 2013 and 2015 I participated in the young apprentice program. In the last stage of my contract, I attended a course called TecnoJovem. And how good the experience was ... I even learned to program with someone I didn't know, I think we learned together. It was this person who was going to parachute me at LabiS in early 2018 and I had no idea how grateful I would be. I had no idea that so many people had such a big heart in the smallest laboratory in the world. I study for a more solidary computing, not exclusive. I know there is love here!


