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Graduate Programs (master's and doctoral degrees)

The research area in Informatics and Society at PESC/COPPE/UFRJ offers graduate programs (master's and doctoral degrees) for students in partial or full attendance.

Students admitted to graduate studies at COPPE are typically awarded the degree within a period of 2 years (in the case of master's programs), and 4 years (in the case of doctoral programs). The academic year at COPPE is organized in quarterly cycles, according to the academic calendar which rules all of its programs.

All details on the admission process to PESC/COPPE/UFRJ, such as position offers, call for applications, calendar, requirements, exams, etc., are available on Admission Process to PESC's Graduate Programs.

High school and undergraduate students (research training and outreach programs)

In addition to graduate studies, the research area has connections with the secondary and undergraduate levels, hosting students who develop teaching-research-outreach programs.

The admission of students pursuing to develop these studies in the research area is available at any time, to voluntary positions. Any student interested in applying should contact us to verify the availability of positions and demand for new researchers.

There may be scholarships available to students already volunteering or applying for new positions. These scholarships are available under institutional programs such as the PIBIC, PIBIC-EM, PROFAEX, among others.
