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Álan Oliveira

Álan OliveiraMy name is Álan and currently I'm studying Psychology at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). Despite of my journey through others undergraduate courses, it was psychology which revived my interest in poetry, philosophy, science and, including most intimately, in society. Though, when I got stuck in curiosity and in the will to learn, I believed immediately I was in the right way.

In the first moment, although, I presupposed that my books could give me answers. Studying with willingness to learn was a such new activity for me, considering that I used to believe substantially that pen ink was enough for a good learning. Fortunately, I convinced myself to the opposite side. Therefore, I'm grateful for finding a place (or rather, for this place finding me) where I could forge knowledge and narratives with people whose worlds are so different from mine.

In my vision, this is why LaPIS is a laboratory: experience is undoubtedly our north and greatest guide and I couldn't be more excited about what's to come. Hence my will is clearly never stop studying, never be overwhelmed by studying, but overfilled by practice.


