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Ricardo Jullian

During the technical course of electronics in Federal Center of Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET) I started activism activities in the international student and humanist movements. At the end of the 80's, I found in a Extension project at UFRJ as a professional qualification course for the youth of Rio de Janeiro low income community of Maré, an opportunity to gather my professional action in a coherent direction with human rights activism. From this activity I decided to do a degree in electronics and I joined as a UFRJ employee. After the extinction of this project, I began to articulate with other university workers a new extension project in the Department of Electronics of the Polytechnic School. Beginning in 1994 and following today the Laboratory of Informatics for Education (LIpE) works on different fronts, such as the teachers improvement course in information technology for education and digital appropriation courses for workers and social movements. In 2011, I joined the CEFET-RJ Master's Degree in Science, Technology and Education Program, where I defended my dissertation about LipE activities in mid-2013. In 2014 I started my approach with the Computer Science and Society Research Line of the CFSP as a listener in some disciplines. In 2017 I joined as a Dsc student. After the end of the master's degree, I started participating in the NIDES (Interdisciplinary Nucleus for Social Development) construction process. In addition to integrating Extension, Research and Teaching activities in the Technology Center, NIDES also offers a professional master's degree.
