My name is Maria Clara Garioli and I study Psychology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro since 2016. I remember the exact moment I choose this Psychology course: my eyes shone when I looked at the disciplines grid that I was going to study and fell in love instantly by the fact that I would be able to make the world a better place and offer a quality of life to people. Since then, this was -and still is - my dream: the simple fact of making something good for/and with the people. This is because I believe that life has more purpose when we share positive affection. When we meet others that can increase ou potency of being and acting in the world. This is what has guided me in university and in life. This is the reason I'm involved in outreach projects like "Science, law and educational devices: ways of producing worlds and subjectivities", nicknamed wholeheartedly as LaPIS (Laboratory of Psychology, Informatics, and Society) and Adole-ser em movimento (Teenagering in movement). Beyond that, I'm a stagiaire in the neurology institute Deolindo Couto, where I practice group psychotherapy with Parkinson patients. Furthermore, I believe that when we are immersed in practices, in concrete experiences, we can change the world and create new ways of being.