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José Marcos

I approached the Informatics and Society research area with the encouragement of my friend and colleague Cássio Nunes Teixeira, who had completed his master's degree in 2007, under the guidance of Professor Henrique Cukierman. After nearly 30 years of practice as a system analyst, I was bothered by a world increasingly tied to "software" methods and "universal" models of software engineering, which made my job increasingly annoying and frustrating. In 2012, I began to approach as a listener of the Classes of Facts and Artifacts as Sociotechnical Constructions, joining the master's degree the following year. I found in the line Informatics and Society and in the Studies of Science, Technology and Society a very rich space to rethink questions related to my work and my life. I soon felt at home. It was worth it, after so many years, to loose the rustiness of my mind, to return to the world of teaching and to face the challenge of learning to write academic texts. I concluded my graduation in 1985, in the course of Technologist in Data Processing at PUC-RJ. I was a theater actor for 13 years, studying Performing Arts at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) between 1988 and 1994, without completing the course. I have been in the position of systems analyst at BNDES since 1992, where I also worked outside of IT, from 2003 to 2007, in the area of ​​financing education, health and social assistance projects. My research led me to the complex subject of health information systems. I studied a case of the implantation of foreign software to support the Family Health Strategy in some neighborhoods of the city of Rio de Janeiro.


