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Ana Lúcia Canto

I studied in the São Paulo School (Teresópolis, RJ) and moved to Rio de Janeiro to initiate my studies in Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. I'm part of the Informatics and Society Laboratory, in partnership with the Laboratory of Informatics for Education. I develop educational and social inclusion software, as "LibrasOffice" and "Damática".
I can't say I chose the Computer and Information course, maybe it has chosen me when I had the opportunity to transform the lives of people through it. These laboratories have shown me how much we can help people with this knowledge acquired at the university that until them was little more than words on paper. And yet, developing goes much beyond the human-machine relationship. We can create teams with love and comprehension while working and accomplishing tasks.
I have discovered a universe of love in a little comet that is this laboratory. I hope this love flows through the walls of the Technology Center, and in fact, takes over the world.


